Play Parties
Play parties are open to members and vetted guests in our private space. Certain events are members only. Please check the calendar for dates.
Play Party Rules
Covid-19 Precautions
Do not attend our in person events if you are ill or have been exposed to an illness transmissible through indirect contact*.
The RKS Board may request an event attendee to wear mask and/or turn away event attendees that appear sick.
The RKS Board reserves the right to amend these rules to reflect current infection rates in Monroe County, the guidance of the CDC, and New York State's department of health.
It is considered a consent violation to attend an event after having been knowingly exposed. We will continue using our air filters at in-person events in the RKS play space, and we encourage you to take whatever COVID precautions fit your risk profile. *examples of these illnesses include, but are not limited to, flu, strep, RSV, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, and COVID.
Do not take actions that put RKS, its membership, or its reputation at risk.
RKS provides basic first-aid supplies in cases of necessity. Please let a Board Member know if these become necessary.
If you are engaging in play that will require medical supplies, it is your responsibility to provide those supplies.
Firearms, realistic replicas of firearms, unrealistic replicas of firearms, and airsoft weapons are banned at RKS events. This ban does not include anything the general shape of a gun but that cannot be confused with one such as a nerf gun, super soaker, or rubber band gun. The board or their representative(s) has final ability to decide what is a realistic/unrealistic replica and what is “in the general shape of a gun but that cannot be confused with one”. If you’re unsure if your item would be banned, check with the board at [email protected] no less than 48 hours before the event.
Securing anything worn around the neck to a hard point is prohibited.
Board members on duty are required to know who present is trained to use the AED.
RKS parties are drug and alcohol free. Any attendee who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will be asked to leave.
In the event of an emergency, please let the Board Member on duty handle any 911 calls. We have the address and can make sure the emergency personnel known where to go and how to get to us.
RKS Board Members will respond to safewords. If a person in the scene uses “Red” or “Safeword” in a scene, the players must immediately halt their activity. If safewords are not immediately responded to, a Board Member will intervene in your scene.
In any scene where a player will be gagged or otherwise unable to vocalize a safeword, the players must use an alternative safe signal. The default nonverbal safeword at RKS is using a hand to make the peace symbol (a V using first two fingers). If a gagged bottom will have their hands bound/mitted in such a way as to not be visible, provide the Board Member on duty with an alternative.
Please be aware of the noise levels of your scene. If a scene draws multiple complaints, the Board Member on duty may intervene to request the use of a gag.
Board Members are empowered to stop any scene that they deem to be unsafe or that is not abiding by the rules. If you intend to engage play which might appear unsafe or non consensual, please inform the Board Member on duty ahead of time. Your scene is less likely to be interrupted if you inform a Board Member ahead of time when engaging in edge play, such as knife play or piercing; needle play and other bloodletting scenes, fire play, and consensual non-consent play.
Attendees who refuse to obey the rules will be asked to leave.
Oral to genital, oral to anal, genital to anal, and genital to genital contact is not permitted at RKS. Penetration of any kind is allowed with toys only (oral, genital or anal) during scheduled, members-only events, with the understanding that members will obtain consent before using penetrative toys in-scene, and are cognizant of any additional clean-up that may be required after the fact. You must provide and use plastic drop cloths during any scene where penetration occurs, and clean your play area immediately upon vacating the station. There is no photography allowed during Penetration-positive events. Penetration of any kind by any body part is not allowed at RKS. Gags are allowed at all RKS Play Parties and do not qualify as oral penetration.
Scat and watersports are not permitted at RKS parties.
Any bodily fluids must be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly once your scene is complete. If you expect any bodily fluids to be spilled during your scene, you must cover equipment with a drop-cloth and/or absorbent pad. It is your own responsibility to provide pads and drop-cloths for your own scenes.
Engaging in impact play over fresh blood is not permitted, as to avoid airborne blood droplets.
Equipment must be wiped down with antibacterial wipes promptly and thoroughly once your scene is complete.
Nude individuals must use a towel or blanket when sitting on couches, chairs, or other non-play furniture. Leather doesn’t need a towel or blanket, but must be wiped with disinfectants immediately once done.
Do not interrupt scenes in progress or attempt to address people who appear to be playing or engaging in aftercare.
Harassing behavior is not permitted at RKS events. If a person is engaging in harassing behavior intentionally, please report their behavior to an RKS official. HARASSING BEHAVIOR may include but is not limited to:
NON-CONSENSUAL BODY SHAMING: Commenting on anyone’s body or body type in any kind of derogatory manner
NON-CONSENSUAL TOUCHING: This includes touching others possessions or toys
PUPPY-DOGGING or OTHER PREDATORY BEHAVIOR: Following a person(s) around, pressing for scenes despite receiving multiple “No” (both soft and hard No’s) answers are some examples
INTENTIONALLY DISRESPECTING PROTOCOL: If you are engaging in high protocol, it is your responsibility to inform others if they are infringing.
INTENTIONALLY MISGENDERING PEOPLE: If you have specific pronouns, it is your responsibility to inform others if they are using the incorrect pronouns. After you have done so, it is expected that all RKS attendees respect this.
Play furniture is available on a “first-come, first served” basis. Do not monopolize play furniture. Board Members are entitled to impose time limits if this becomes necessary.
Be cognizant of noise level of conversation around scenes. If the noise level is interrupting your scene, we encourage you to politely ask people to quiet the conversation down. It is expected that individuals will take this into account and adjust vocal levels.
When observing scenes, the impetus is on the observer to remove themselves from the situation if a scene makes them uncomfortable.
Fetish wear is not required. Please make sure you are dressed discreetly when you enter and leave the building. You are required to have your chest and genitals covered,at minimum if leaving the area to use the bathroom. Dressing in a way that calls undue attention to the nature of the activities happening inside the RKS space when leaving or entering the space is not permitted. Changing rooms in both the small and large dungeons are available.
No intentional damaging, vandalizing or misusing RKS property.
Cell phones are permitted at RKS Events. It is expected that everyone using this type of device treats it as they would any other toy; If a picture or video, or audio is being taken, consent from everyone within the frame must be received prior to the image being captured. Non-consensual photos and videos being captured will result in disciplinary action. Please step into the hallway, outside of the RKS space, to take or make phone calls.
Bound players must not be left alone.
Only toys appropriately sized for the play space should be used.
When engaging in fire play, including wax play, keep a fire extinguisher nearby. Keep it away from ignition sources and ensure there is a clear line (e.g, not placed with flammables between you and it) to the fire extinguisher. You may use any free standing extinguisher not currently in a scene.
There will be fire extinguishers mounted in every room. These are not to be removed except in the case of an emergency or by a Board Member’s approval.